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Empowering Your Sphere: Transforming Your SOI into a Network of Advocates

Business, meeting and discussion with teamwork or strategy at company for success with project. Professional, group and conversation on conference room for brainstorming for a partnership at office

Welcome to a deeper dive into one of the most pivotal aspects of real estate success – transforming your Sphere of Influence (SOI) into a network of staunch advocates. Our acclaimed course, “Maximizing Success Through Your Sphere of Influence,” emphasizes the importance and techniques of nurturing your SOI. Today, I’ll share some of these insights and strategies, illustrating how you can turn your SOI from a passive group of acquaintances into active ambassadors for your real estate business.

Understanding the Power of SOI

Before delving into the “how,” it’s crucial to understand the “why.” Your SOI, which includes friends, family, past clients, colleagues, and even casual acquaintances, is more than just a list of contacts. It’s a network of potential advocates who can propel your business forward. People trust recommendations from those they know far more than any advertisement. Hence, a referral from your SOI is like a seal of trust handed to a potential client.

The Art of Relationship Building

The foundation of converting your SOI into advocates lies in genuine relationship building. It’s not about seeing each person as a potential transaction but fostering real connections. Keep in touch, celebrate their milestones, and show genuine interest in their well-being. These actions build trust and loyalty.

Providing Value Consistently

Regularly provide value to your SOI. This could be through insightful newsletters about the real estate market, tips on home maintenance, or even information about local events. The key is to be helpful without expecting immediate returns. When you become a valuable resource, your SOI will likely recommend you to others.

Leveraging Educational Opportunities

Educate your SOI about the importance of referrals in your business. This can be done through casual conversations, emails, or social media posts. Make it clear that referrals are a cornerstone of your business and how much you appreciate them. However, this should be approached tactfully, ensuring it doesn’t come off as a desperate plea for business.

Personalization is Key

Tailor your interactions. If a contact recently purchased a home, send them home maintenance tips. Ideas about home staging or interior design might be appreciated by those in your SOI who love hosting. Personalized interactions are remembered and appreciated, furthering the likelihood of referrals.

Recognizing and Appreciating Referrals

Always acknowledge and show appreciation for referrals, regardless of whether they result in a sale. A handwritten thank-you note, a small gift, or a personal call goes a long way in showing gratitude and encouraging future referrals.

Creating Advocates Through Exceptional Service

Perhaps the most straightforward strategy is providing exceptional service to those in your SOI who become clients. Exceed their expectations, and they naturally become advocates for your business, sharing their positive experiences with others.

The Role of Social Proof

Encourage clients to leave reviews on your website or social media platforms. Positive reviews and testimonials are potent forms of social proof that can influence others in your SOI to see you as a trusted real estate professional.

Regular Engagement and Events

Organize regular events like home-buying seminars, neighborhood tours, or informal get-togethers. Events provide an opportunity for face-to-face engagement and help reinforce your relationships. They also allow members of your SOI to interact with each other, potentially creating more advocates.

Utilizing Technology

Use technology to keep track of and engage with your SOI effectively. CRM (Customer Relationship Management) tools can help you remember important details about your contacts, schedule follow-ups, and organize your outreach efforts systematically.

Staying Top of Mind

Consistency in communication is critical. This doesn’t mean bombarding your SOI with daily messages but finding a balance in staying top of mind. Regular, meaningful communication ensures that when someone in your SOI thinks of real estate, they think of you.

Continuous Learning and Adaptation

Finally, keep learning and adapting your strategies. The real estate market and communication technologies are constantly evolving, and so should your methods of engaging your SOI.


Training your SOI to become advocates doesn’t happen overnight. It requires consistent effort, genuine relationship-building, and a strategic approach to providing value. By following these steps and continually learning and adapting your strategies, your SOI can become one of your most valuable assets. Remember, in real estate, your network truly is your net worth.

For more in-depth insights and strategies, consider enrolling in our course, “Maximizing Success Through Your Sphere of Influence.” Here, we delve deeper into the techniques and nuances of SOI management, empowering you to elevate your real estate career to new heights.

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